Explore the Stacks at Staas: Your Ultimate Cloud Platform

Explore the Stacks at Staas: Your Ultimate Cloud Platform

Welcome to our hosting and cloud services platform! We provide a wide array of services designed to cater to developers, businesses, and enthusiasts. Our robust infrastructure supports numerous programming languages, databases, content management systems (CMS), and various specialized applications. Below, we present a detailed summary of all the services we offer, including suggested prices and installation instructions for each service.


1. Programming Languages

2. Databases

3. Applications


Programming Languages


Go, also called Golang or Go language, is an Open Source programming language that Google developed. Software developers use Go in an array of operating systems and frameworks to develop web applications, cloud and networking services, and other types of software.

Go is statically typed, explicit and modeled after the C programming language. Because of Go language’s fast startup time, low runtime overhead and ability to run without a virtual machine (VM), it has become a very popular language for writing microservices and other uses. In addition, Go is used for concurrent programming – a strategy to execute multiple tasks at one time, out of order or in partial order.

Go language was inspired by the productivity and relative simplicity of Python. It uses goroutines, or lightweight processes, and a collection of packages for efficient dependency management. It was designed to solve several problems, including slow build time, uncontrolled dependencies, effort duplication, difficulty writing automatic tools and cross-language development.

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Java is a widely used object-oriented programming language and software platform that runs on billions of devices, including notebook computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, medical devices and many others. The rules and syntax of Java are based on the C and C++ languages.

One major advantage of developing software with Java is its portability. Once you wrote code for a Java program on a notebook computer, it can be easily moved to a mobile device. When the language was invented in 1991 by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle), the primary goal was to be able to “write once, run anywhere.”

It’s also important to understand that Java is much different from JavaScript. JavaScript does not need to be compiled, while Java code needs to be. Also, Javascript only runs on web browsers, while Java can be run anywhere.

New and improved software development tools are coming to the market at a remarkable pace, displacing incumbent products once thought to be indispensable. In light of this continual turnover, Java’s longevity is impressive; more than two decades after its creation, Java is still the most popular language for application software development. Developers continue to choose it over languages such as Python, Ruby, PHP, Swift, C++ and others. As a result, Java remains to be an important requirement for competing in the job market.

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Microsoft .Net Runtime

The .NET Framework is a software development framework developed by Microsoft that provides a runtime environment and a set of libraries and tools for building and running applications on Windows operating systems. The framework includes a variety of programming languages, such as C#, F#, and Visual Basic, and supports a range of application types, including desktop, web, mobile, and gaming applications.

  1. The .NET Framework includes two main components: the Common Language Runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework Class Library. The CLR is responsible for managing the execution of code written in any of the supported languages, while the class library provides a large set of pre-built functions and classes that can be used to create a wide range of applications.
  2. One of the key advantages of the .NET Framework is its support for a variety of programming languages. This means that developers can choose the language that best fits their needs and expertise, while still being able to use the same set of libraries and tools provided by the framework.
  3. Another advantage of the .NET Framework is its support for a variety of application types. The framework includes libraries and tools for creating desktop, web, mobile, and gaming applications, which makes it a versatile choice for developers working on a wide range of projects.
  4. The .NET Framework also provides a number of features that help improve the security, reliability, and performance of applications. These include features such as code access security, automatic memory management, and just-in-time (JIT) compilation, which helps improve the speed of application execution.
  5. The .NET Framework is also designed to integrate with other Microsoft technologies, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint, and Microsoft Office, which can make it easier to build applications that work seamlessly with other Microsoft products. Overall, the .NET Framework is a powerful and versatile development platform that provides a wide range of tools and libraries for building and running applications on Windows operating systems.

.NET is a software framework that is designed and developed by Microsoft. The first version of the .Net framework was 1.0 which came in the year 2002. In easy words, it is a virtual machine for compiling and executing programs written in different languages like C#, VB.Net, etc.

It is used to develop Form-based applications, Web-based applications, and Web services. There is a variety of programming languages available on the .Net platform, VB.Net and C# being the most common ones. It is used to build applications for Windows, phones, web, etc. It provides a lot of functionalities and also supports industry standards.

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Node.js is a free tool that lets you run JavaScript on the server side, which means you can use JavaScript to make your website or app work. It started in 2009 by a guy named Ryan Dahl and works on the Chrome V8 engine. This engine lets you run JavaScript outside of your web browser.

Here are some quick points about Node.js:

  • It lets you use JavaScript for both the stuff you see on a website (frontend) and the behind-the-scenes stuff (backend).
  • Even though it does things one at a time (single-threaded), it’s really good at handling lots of jobs at once without getting stuck. This is because it waits for nothing (non-blocking) and keeps things moving.
  • Node.js has its own built-in stuff to let your app work like a web server. This means you don’t need other software like Apache or Nginx to get your app online.
  • It uses a system called CommonJS for organizing its code, and there are tons of extra tools and libraries you can get from the npm (Node Package Manager).

In simple words, Node.js lets you use JavaScript for more than just web pages. It’s made for making websites and apps that can handle a lot of users at the same time.


PHP is a server-side programming language that’s often embedded within HTML. Its code enclosed in special start- and end-processing instructions to execute tasks on the server. The server generates HTML and sends the code back to the client, which means the user can then interact with the page.

Despite its nearly three decades of existence, PHP is still widely used due to its relative ease and open-source code, which provides developers with a range of PHP frameworks you can use to control costs, boost performance and facilitate functionality.


According to its official website, Python is “an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.” It has a clear and simple syntax that makes it very easy to learn, which turns it into the perfect gateway for programming beginners. That’s because the language emphasizes readability and makes coding very easy.

Python is also the fastest-growing programming language in the world. Its high-level, interpreted, and object-oriented architecture makes it ideal for all types of software solutions. What’s more, the language’s emphasis on syntax readability, program modularity, and code reusability highly increases the speed of development while reducing the cost of maintenance.

Another main feature of Python is that it supports modules and packages. Both things make it easier for Python developers to reuse code across different projects. Naturally, this is a great way to increase productivity and save time and effort when working with the language.


The scratch image is the most minimal image in Docker and is most useful in the context of building really minimum images

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ArangoDB is an open-source multi-model NoSQL database with a flexible data model for documents and graphs. It is designed as a “general purpose database,” offering all the features typically needed for modern web apps. It supports graph, document, and key-value data models allowing users to freely combine all data models in a single query. As applications become increasingly complex, you often need more than one NoSQL database. Using a multi-model database can simplify your architecture by combining several NoSQL types in a single infrastructure.

Moreover, different models can be combined in a single query. And, owing to its multi-model style, one can make lean applications, which will be scalable horizontally with any or all of the three data models.

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MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database system designed for handling high volumes of data storage. In contrast to traditional relational databases that employ tables, rows, and columns for data organization, MongoDB adopts a more flexible approach by storing data in dynamic documents with varying structures and schemas.

Developed and managed by MongoDB, Inc., the database operates under the Server Side Public License (SSPL) and was initially released in February 2009. It offers official driver support for widely-used programming languages such as C, C++, C#, .Net, Go, Java, Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, Motor, Ruby, Scala, Swift, and Mongoid. Many prominent companies, including Facebook, Nokia, eBay, Adobe, and Google, leverage MongoDB to manage large volumes of data in their systems.

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Neo4j Graph DB

Neo4j Graph DB, Neo4j is a native graph database, which means that it implements a true graph model all the way down to the storage level. The data is stored as you whiteboard it, instead of as a “graph abstraction” on top of another technology. Beyond the core graph, Neo4j also provides: ACID transactions, cluster support, and runtime failover.

Neo4j is offered as a managed cloud service via AuraDB. But you can also run Neo4j yourself with either Community Edition or Enterprise Edition. The Enterprise Edition includes all the features of Community Edition, plus extra enterprise requirements such as backups, clustering, and failover abilities. Neo4j is written in Java and Scala, and the source code is available on GitHub.

What makes Neo4j the easiest graph to work with?

  • Cypher®, a declarative query language similar to SQL, but optimized for graphs. Now used by other databases like SAP HANA Graph and Redis graph via the openCypher project.
  • Constant time traversals in big graphs for both depth and breadth due to efficient representation of nodes and relationships. Enables scale-up to billions of nodes on moderate hardware.
  • Flexible property graph schema that can adapt over time, making it possible to materialize and add new relationships later to shortcut and speed up the domain data when the business needs change.
  • Drivers for popular programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, .NET, Python, and many more.

A Neo4j graph database stores nodes and relationships instead of tables or documents. Data is stored just like you might sketch ideas on a whiteboard. Your data is stored without restricting it to a pre-defined model, allowing a very flexible way of thinking about and using it.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system that runs on all major operating systems. PostgreSQL (pronounced post-gress-Q-L) offers the full functionality of Structured Query Language (SQL) — a standard programming language for database management — and many other feature enhancements and extensions. PostgreSQL has first-class support for a wide variety of data types, including most standard data types like integer, serial and monetary types, as well as complex types such as arrays, JSON, geospatial and user-defined data types.

PostgreSQL has transaction support, full-text search and constraints like a foreign key. This RDBMS also has special features intended to help build high-performance systems. Thus, PostgreSQL can scale from one computer to thousands of computers in an enterprise deployment.

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Redis (REmote DIctionary Server) is an open source, in-memory, NoSQL key/value store that is used primarily as an application cache or quick-response database.

Redis (link resides outside ibm.com) stores data in memory, rather than on a disk or solid-state drive (SSD), which helps deliver unparalleled speed, reliability, and performance.

When an application relies on external data sources, the latency and throughput of those sources can create a performance bottleneck, especially as traffic increases or the application scales. One way to improve performance in these cases is to store and manipulate data in-memory, physically closer to the application. Redis is built to this task: It stores all data in-memory—delivering the fastest possible performance when reading or writing data—and offers built-in replication capabilities that let you place data physically closer to the user for the lowest latency.

Other Redis characteristics worth noting include support for multiple data structures, built-in Lua scripting, multiple levels of on-disk persistence, and high availability.

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Valkey is an open source (BSD) high-performance key/value datastore that supports a variety of workloads such as caching, message queues, and can act as a primary database. Valkey can run as either a standalone daemon or in a cluster, with options for replication and high availability. It is a continuation of the work that was being done on Redis 7.2.4.

Valkey natively supports a rich collection of datatypes, including strings, numbers, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and more. You can operate on data structures in-place with an expressive collection of commands. Valkey also supports native extensibility with built-in scripting support for Lua and supports module plugins to create new commands, data types, and more.

In the dynamic universe of data storage technology, efficiency and adaptability are key to supporting growth and innovation. Redis, known for its renowned performance as an in-memory database management system, has been a popular choice for many developers and companies. However, recent changes to its licensing model have raised questions about its long-term viability for some projects and companies, especially those heavily reliant on cloud services. In this context, alternative solutions like Valkey begin to draw attention, not just for their technical capabilities but also for a licensing model considered more friendly and flexible.

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NocoDB is an open-source no-code database platform that allows you to work with databases in the form of intelligent, intuitive spreadsheets. It connects to relational databases and turns them into easily configurable interfaces, enabling you to build no-code applications easily with teams.

NocoDB currently works with relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL. Its App Store lets you connect to third-party tools like Slack, and Discord amongst a couple of other messaging platforms to automate workflows. NocoDB also facilitates programmatic access to APIs so you can build integrations with Zapier and any other custom applications.



Answer, A Q&A platform software for teams at any scales. Whether it’s a community forum, help center, or knowledge management platform, you can always count on Answer. Answer provides a plugin system for developers to create custom plugins and expand Answer’s features.

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AnythingLLM is a full-stack application where you can use commercial off-the-shelf LLMs or popular open source LLMs and vectorDB solutions to build a private ChatGPT with no compromises that you can run locally as well as host remotely and be able to chat intelligently with any documents you provide it.

AnythingLLM divides your documents into objects called workspaces. A Workspace functions a lot like a thread, but with the addition of containerization of your documents. Workspaces can share documents, but they do not talk to each other so you can keep your context for each workspace clean.

Some cool features of AnythingLLM

  • Multi-user instance support and permissioning
  • Agents inside your workspace (browse the web, run code, etc)
  • Custom Embeddable Chat widget for your website
  • Multiple document type support (PDF, TXT, DOCX, etc)
  • Manage documents in your vector database from a simple UI
  • Two chat modes conversation and query. Conversation retains previous questions and amendments. Query is simple QA against your documents
  • In-chat citations
  • 100% Cloud deployment ready.
  • “Bring your own LLM” model.
  • Extremely efficient cost-saving measures for managing very large documents. You’ll never pay to embed a massive document or transcript more than once. 90% more cost effective than other document chatbot solutions.
  • Full Developer API for custom integrations!

AnythingLLM is designed for anyone and everyone. Whether you’re looking to build or utilize LLMs more effectively, our goal is to support you and make the process as seamless as possible.


Apache Kafka is a distributed data store optimized for ingesting and processing streaming data in real-time. Streaming data is data that is continuously generated by thousands of data sources, which typically send the data records in simultaneously. A streaming platform needs to handle this constant influx of data, and process the data sequentially and incrementally.

Kafka provides three main functions to its users:

  • Publish and subscribe to streams of records
  • Effectively store streams of records in the order in which records were generated
  • Process streams of records in real time

Kafka is primarily used to build real-time streaming data pipelines and applications that adapt to the data streams. It combines messaging, storage, and stream processing to allow storage and analysis of both historical and real-time data.

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LiteLLM is a library for seamless integration with various large language model (LLM) providers’ APIs that standardizes interactions through an OpenAI API format. It supports an extensive array of providers and models and offers a unified interface for completion, embedding and image generation functionalities. LiteLLM simplifies integration by translating inputs to match each provider’s specific endpoint requirements. This is particularly valuable in the current landscape, where a lack of standardized API specifications for LLM providers complicates the inclusion of multiple LLMs in projects. Our teams have leveraged LiteLLM to swap underlying models in LLM applications, addressing a significant integration challenge. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that model responses to identical prompts vary, indicating that a consistent invocation method alone may not fully optimize completion performance. Note that LiteLLM has several other features, such as proxy server, that are not in the purview of this blip.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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Laravel is an easy-to-use web framework that will help you create extensible PHP-based websites and web applications at scale.

Before creating a web app or website, you need to make a foundational decision as to what technology you are going to use. This is one of the trickiest parts of the web development process.

To build something simple, such as an online store or portfolio, you can rely on no-code website creators. If you are looking to build something more advanced, a no-code solution might not be enough. Instead, you should choose a framework and start writing code on it. Laravel is a good choice as an easy-to-use open-source framework for building modern web applications at scale.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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ArchiveBox is a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view websites offline.

Without active preservation effort, everything on the internet eventually dissapears or degrades. Archive.org does a great job as a centralized service, but saved URLs have to be public, and they can’t save every type of content.

ArchiveBox is an open source tool that lets organizations & individuals archive both public & private web content while retaining control over their data. It can be used to save copies of bookmarks, preserve evidence for legal cases, backup photos from FB/Insta/Flickr or media from YT/Soundcloud/etc., save research papers, and more…

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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Bludit is a web application to build your own website or blog in seconds; it’s completely free and open source. Bludit is a Flat-File CMS, which (in this case) means that Bludit uses files in the JSON format to store the content. You don’t need to install or configure a database; you only need a web server with PHP support.

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Calibre-web is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks using an existing Calibre database. It is also possible to integrate google drive and edit metadata and your calibre library through the app itself.


  • Modern and responsive Bootstrap 3 HTML5 interface
  • Full graphical setup
  • Comprehensive user management with fine-grained per-user permissions
  • Admin interface
  • Multilingual user interface supporting 20+ languages (supported languages)
  • OPDS feed for eBook reader apps
  • Advanced search and filtering options
  • Custom book collection (shelves) creation
  • eBook metadata editing and deletion support
  • Metadata download from various sources (extensible via plugins)
  • eBook conversion through Calibre binaries
  • eBook download restriction to logged-in users
  • Public user registration support
  • Send eBooks to E-Readers with a single click
  • Sync Kobo devices with your Calibre library
  • In-browser eBook reading support for multiple formats
  • Upload new books in various formats, including audio formats
  • Calibre Custom Columns support
  • Content hiding based on categories and Custom Column content per user
  • Self-update capability
  • “Magic Link” login for easy access on eReaders
  • LDAP, Google/GitHub OAuth, and proxy authentication support

Calibre is a powerful and easy to use e-book manager. Users say it’s outstanding and a must-have. It’ll allow you to do nearly everything and it takes things a step beyond normal e-book software. It’s also completely free and open source and great for both casual users and computer experts.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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Chatwoot is an open-source, self-hosted customer engagement suite. Chatwoot lets you view and manage your customer data, communicate with them irrespective of which medium they use, and re-engage them based on their profile.

Chatwoot supports the following conversation channels:

  • Website: Talk to your customers using our live chat widget and make use of our SDK to identify a user and provide contextual support.
  • Facebook: Connect your Facebook pages and start replying to the direct messages to your page.
  • Instagram: Connect your Instagram profile and start replying to the direct messages.
  • Twitter: Connect your Twitter profiles and reply to direct messages or the tweets where you are mentioned.
  • Telegram: Connect your Telegram bot and reply to your customers right from a single dashboard.
  • WhatsApp: Connect your WhatsApp business account and manage the conversation in Chatwoot.
  • Line: Connect your Line account and manage the conversations in Chatwoot.
  • SMS: Connect your Twilio SMS account and reply to the SMS queries in Chatwoot.
  • API Channel: Build custom communication channels using our API channel.
  • Email: Forward all your email queries to Chatwoot and view them in our integrated dashboard.
  • And many more.

Open source customer engagement suite, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud, etc.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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DBGate is a cross-platform application that allows viewing and editing database data in a browser.

Its server-side ASP.NET Core application implements a REST service that does the following:

  • It selects data from tables and views via GET.
  • It executes stored procedures that return data via GET.
  • It inserts, updates, and deletes data from tables and views via POST, PUT, and DELETE.
  • It executes stored procedures that modify data via POST, PUT, and DELETE. To create a service, add a named connection string to the application settings.

DBGate creates a model for all available tables, views, and stored procedures reading the database metadata.

It supports SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL on Windows and Linux.

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Excalidraw, An open source virtual hand-drawn style whiteboard. Collaborative and end-to-end encrypted. The app hosted at excalidraw.com is a minimal showcase of what you can build with Excalidraw. Its source code is part of this repository as well, and the app features: PWA support (works offline). Real-time collaboration. End-to-end encryption. Local-first support (autosaves to the browser). Shareable links (export to a readonly link you can share with others).

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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Flatboard, A Simple, Lightweight, Modern and fast Flat-File Forum, using Json and Markdown or BBcode.


  • Just drop two files on your server to install.
  • Super Easy to Use.
  • Post and edit in place.
  • Create your own extensions easily.


  • No registration require! (no account)
  • Json storage, Flatboard is designed to be fully portable without any dependencies
  • Customizable BBcode Editor.


  • Carefully designed elements and components.
  • User interface is clean and intuitive.
  • New concept blending blog and forum for dynamic comments!

Flatboard is an excellent option for those who need a simple, efficient, and customizable forum solution without the overhead of more complex systems.

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Ghost is a powerful app for new-media creators to publish, share, and grow a business around their content. It comes with modern tools to build a website, publish content, send newsletters & offer paid subscriptions to members.

Ghost CMS is an open-source blogging platform that has been around since 2013.

Ghost born from the frustration of WordPress becoming too complicated to use for blogging.

So, it’s normal to look at Ghost as a WordPress alternative and why businesses like Buffer, Airtable, and Kickstarter use Ghost CMS for their blogs.

And unlike other platforms that try to do everything (like Substack and WordPress), Ghost stays focused on providing a clean and intuitive experience for content creators.

For that reason, Ghost’s writing experience is great. It strikes the right balance between being easy to use and offering advanced capabilities for advanced users.

One of the things I like the most about Ghost is this balance of being easy for non-tech people and giving all the options advanced users need, as this balance isn’t easy to achieve.

Ghost websites look modern as you have a lot of pretty themes to pick from, but customizing them from their default state isn’t as easy as on WordPress. So, customization is one of the areas where Ghost doesn’t shine.

From a security perspective, Ghost is fantastic, and sites using it aren’t usually hacked, so that’s one thing less to worry about.

And yes, Ghost sites can handle a lot of traffic without breaking a sweat.

Overall, Ghost has the right SEO tools to let you have a successful blog that looks good, is easy to use, and has decent Starting with attractive prices from onlys.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible file-based Web-platform. There is Zero installation required. Just extract the ZIP archive, and you are already up and running. Although Grav follows principles similar to other flat-file CMS platforms, it has a different design philosophy than most.

The name Grav is just a shortened version of the word Gravity. The shared namespace of our platform and a movie starring Sandra Bullock is pure coincidence! More importantly, gravity is also a fundamental physical principle that describes the forces of attraction between objects. Frankly, the name was chosen as a temporary “codename” for the project, and it just stuck.

The underlying architecture of Grav is built using well established and best-in-class technologies. This is to ensure that Grav is simple to use and easy to extend. Some of these key technologies include:

  • Twig Templating: for powerful control of the user interface
  • Markdown: for easy content creation
  • YAML: for simple configuration
  • Parsedown: for fast Markdown and Markdown Extra support
  • Doctrine Cache: for performance
  • Pimple Dependency Injection Container: for extensibility and maintainability
  • Symfony Event Dispatcher: for plugin event handling
  • Symfony Console: for CLI interface
  • Gregwar Image Library: for dynamic image manipulation

Grav CMS is an excellent choice for developers and content creators looking for a modern, flexible, and performant CMS that is easy to set up and manage. Its flat-file approach offers simplicity and speed, making it suitable for a wide range of websites, from personal blogs to complex enterprise sites.

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HTMLy is an open source databaseless blogging platform prioritizes simplicity and speed written in PHP.

It uses a unique algorithm to find or list any content based on date, type, category, tag, or author, and it’s performance remain fast even if we have ten thousand of posts and hundreds of tags.

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ILLA, Create business apps like assembling blocks. ILLA is low-code platform allows you to build business apps, enables you to quickly create internal tools such as dashboard, crud app, admin panel, crm, cms, etc. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, Supabase, GraphQL, MongoDB, MSSQL, Rest API, Hugging Face, Redis, etc. Automate workflows with schedule or webhook.

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Linkding is a bookmark manager that you can host yourself. It’s designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker. The name comes from: link which is often used as a synonym for URLs and bookmarks in common language, Ding which is German for thing,… So basically something for managing your links.

Feature Overview:

  • Clean UI optimized for readability
  • Organize bookmarks with tags
  • Bulk editing, Markdown notes, read it later functionality
  • Share bookmarks with other users or guests
  • Automatically provides titles, descriptions and icons of bookmarked websites
  • Automatically archive websites, either as local HTML file or on Internet Archive
  • Import and export bookmarks in Netscape HTML format
  • Installable as a Progressive Web App (PWA)
  • Extensions for Firefox and Chrome, as well as a bookmarklet
  • SSO support via OIDC or authentication proxies
  • REST API for developing 3rd party apps
  • Admin panel for user self-service and raw data access

Overall, Linkding is a versatile and efficient bookmark manager that caters to users who prefer an open-source solution with the ability to self-host and customize their bookmarking experience.

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Logseq is a knowledge management and collaboration platform. It focuses on privacy, longevity, and user control. Logseq offers a range of powerful tools for knowledge management, collaboration, PDF annotation, and task management with support for multiple file formats, including Markdown and Org-mode, and various features for organizing and structuring your notes.

Overall, Logseq is a versatile tool for note-taking, knowledge management, and personal wiki creation, offering features that cater to both casual users and power users who need advanced organizational capabilities for managing complex information.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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Mautic is the largest open-source marketing automation platform. It stands out from other platforms by the fact that it’s completely free to use. This makes it accessible not only to large-scale organizations, but to every business. Just like Drupal, Mautic can count on a highly active community that contributes daily to the platform’s code for further improvement.

Marketing automation helps you to make your overall marketing more efficient on different levels, including multichannel marketing, automated campaigns and workflows, and integrated web forms. But there’s more: Mautic throws in additional features, like content management, segmentation, lead scoring and dynamic content.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $12
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Memos is an open-source, lightweight note-taking service designed to facilitate the easy capture and sharing of thoughts. Built using Go and React, and capable of being deployed via Docker, it supports markdown for note formatting.

Key features include a simple UI for quick note-taking, the ability to share notes as microblogs, and self-hosting capabilities.

The use of SQLite suggests a lightweight database backend. Pros include its open-source nature, ease of use, and flexibility for personal or collaborative note management.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
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Microweber is an open-source content management system and website builder. It is based on the PHP programming language and the Laravel 5 web application framework, using drag and drop and allowing users to quickly create content, while scheduling and managing multiple displays. It has a Live Edit feature enabling users to view their edits as they would appear. The application has been used by several professional organisations according to rankings on OpenSourceCMS.com and Softaculous. Developers can freely access the code, exchanging their knowledge and contributions with the rest of the open-source community.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Microweber with Staas: Get Started


MiroTalk-P2P, Free WebRTC - P2P - Simple, Secure, Fast Real-Time Video Conferences with support for up to 4k resolution and 60fps. It’s compatible with all major browsers and platforms.


  • Is 100% Free - Open Source under (AGPLv3) - Self Hosted and PWA!
  • No downloads, plugins, or logins required – completely browser-based.
  • Unlimited conference rooms with no time limitations.
  • Translated into 133 languages.
  • Support for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication layer.
  • Host protection to prevent unauthorized access.
  • User auth to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Room password protection.
  • JWT.io securely manages credentials for host configurations and user authentication, enhancing security and streamlining processes.
  • Compatible with desktop and mobile devices.
  • Optimized mobile room URL sharing.
  • Webcam streaming with front and rear camera support for mobile devices.
  • Crystal-clear audio streaming with speaking detection and volume indicators.
  • Screen sharing for presentations.
  • File sharing with drag-and-drop support.
  • Choose your audio input, output, and video source.
  • Supports video quality up to 4K and 60 FPS.
  • Supports advance Picture-in-Picture (PiP) offering a more streamlined and flexible viewing experience.
  • Record your screen, audio, and video.
  • Snapshot video frames and save them as PNG images.
  • Chat with an Emoji Picker for expressing feelings, private messages, Markdown support, and conversation saving.
  • ChatGPT (powered by OpenAI) for answering questions, providing information, and connecting users to relevant resources.
  • Speech recognition for sending spoken messages.
  • Push-to-talk functionality, similar to a walkie-talkie.
  • Advanced collaborative whiteboard for teachers.
  • Real-time sharing of YouTube embed videos, video files (MP4, WebM, OGG), and audio files (MP3).
  • Full-screen mode with one-click video element zooming and pin/unpin.
  • Customizable UI themes.
  • Right-click options on video elements for additional controls.
  • Direct peer-to-peer connections for low-latency communication through WebRTC.
  • Supports REST API (Application Programming Interface).
  • Integration with Slack for enhanced communication.
  • Utilizes Sentry for error reporting.
  • And much more…

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building MiroTalk-P2P with Staas: Get Started


Moodle is a Learning Management System (LMS) used to manage, deliver and measure training and learning online.

Moodle is perhaps the most well-known LMS platform of its kind and is certainly widely used. Launched in 2002, it provides a way for those who manage training to deliver it flexibly and efficiently to different audiences.

You could think of it as the virtual equivalent of an online training provider – a self-contained learning environment used initially by educational institutions. It has since developed to become a hugely beneficial tool for organisations across all sectors, from retail and healthcare to local government and charities.

What does Moodle LMS do? The short answer is a Moodle LMS allows you to build and upload e-learning content, deliver it to your learners, assess them on that content, track their progress and recognise their achievements. Obviously there’s more to it in reality, but Moodle is the ultimate system when it comes to simplicity and delivering e-learning content to users.

  • Build & manage courses: One of the key benefits of Moodle software is the way it enables you as a system administrator or course creator to build and manage your course content. You may create content yourself using Moodle’s standard course activities, upload SCORM files or acquire ready-made, off-the-shelf content from a provider. Either way you can easily upload it to your Moodle LMS and organise it with ease using the drag and drop functionality.
  • Manage assessments: Providing content for your learners is one thing, assessing them on it is another. Moodle LMS allows you to create and manage assessments for your learners, ensuring they are engaging with their learning content and achieving the desired outcomes.
  • Track learner progress: The ability to track learner progress is another big advantage of using Moodle LMS vs cumbersome and often chaotic offline or manual ways of managing remote learning or simply using a Content Management System (CMS). Some of the main ways of tracking learner progress within Moodle include activity and course completion, course reports, analytics and gradebooks.
  • Recognise & reward achievements: Once you’ve assessed your learners on the content and tracked their progress, you can reward them based on achievements to recognise their progress. Moodle offers shareable badges that you can award to users, keeping them engaged and helping you quickly identify who has completed which courses.

Moodle’s extensive features, flexibility, and robust support make it a popular choice for creating and managing online learning environments.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Moodle with Staas: Get Started


n8n.io is an innovative open-source workflow automation tool designed to streamline and simplify the integration and automation of complex tasks across various applications and services. With its intuitive, visual workflow builder, users can effortlessly create, manage, and optimize powerful automation workflows without needing extensive coding knowledge. Supporting over 200 built-in integrations and allowing for custom code execution, n8n.io provides unparalleled flexibility and control, making it the ideal solution for individuals, businesses, and enterprises seeking to enhance productivity and efficiency. Whether self-hosted for maximum control or utilizing the hassle-free cloud version, n8n.io empowers users to seamlessly connect their digital ecosystem, automate repetitive processes, and unlock new levels of operational excellence.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building N8n with Staas: Get Started


Nextcloud is a popular open-source software platform that provides file hosting and sharing services, similar to cloud storage platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox. However, unlike those proprietary services, Nextcloud allows individuals and organizations to host their own cloud storage solutions on their servers, giving them full control over their data and privacy.

Nextcloud offers features such as file synchronization, collaborative editing of documents, calendar and contact management, video conferencing, and more. It’s highly customizable and extensible through the use of apps and plugins, allowing users to tailor the platform to their specific needs.

One of the key advantages of Nextcloud is its focus on security and privacy. Users can encrypt their data, control access permissions, and integrate with existing authentication systems. This makes it a popular choice for organizations and individuals who prioritize data sovereignty and privacy.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $12
  • Start building Nextcloud with Staas: Get Started


NodeBB is the next generation community forum platform. Built on open source software, we’ve helped hundreds of companies engage their customers. NodeBB Forum Software is powered by Node.js and supports either Redis, MongoDB, or a PostgreSQL database. It utilizes web sockets for instant interactions and real-time notifications. NodeBB takes the best of the modern web: real-time streaming discussions, mobile responsiveness, and rich RESTful read/write APIs, while staying true to the original bulletin board/forum format → categorical hierarchies, local user accounts, and asynchronous messaging.

Key features of NodeBB include:

  • Real-time interactions: NodeBB utilizes WebSockets to enable real-time updates, providing users with a dynamic and engaging experience.
  • Plugin system: NodeBB offers a plugin architecture that allows developers to extend its functionality and customize the platform to meet specific requirements.
  • Theming engine: NodeBB comes with a flexible theming engine, allowing administrators to easily customize the look and feel of their forums.
  • Social integration: NodeBB supports social login via popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, making it easier for users to sign up and participate in discussions.
  • SEO-friendly: NodeBB is designed with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind, helping forums rank well in search engine results pages.

Overall, NodeBB is a versatile and feature-rich forum software solution suitable for various community-based websites and discussion forums.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $12
  • Start building NodeBB with Staas: Get Started


ntfy is a simple and open-source notification service designed to send push notifications to your devices. It allows users to send messages to their phones, tablets, or desktops through a straightforward HTTP API. This service is particularly useful for developers and system administrators who need a reliable way to receive alerts or notifications from their applications, scripts, or servers.

Ntfy.sh is designed to be lightweight, flexible, and easy to integrate into existing systems, making it a practical solution for a wide range of notification needs.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Ntfy.Sh with Staas: Get Started


October CMS is a Content Management System (CMS) and web platform created out of dissatisfaction with existing frameworks. Building websites, either using code editors or certain IDE has become a convoluted and confounding process that leaves engineers dissatisfied. October CMS turns you around to the simpler side and takes you back to the basics.

OctoberCMS has numerous native features to make strides for your website such as secure email notices. There’s also a long list of plugins to assist you to accomplish your goals without having to alter code. You’ll see plugins data at OctoberCMS before installing it within your dashboard.

October CMS is a lightweight, back-to-the-essentials content management system developed on Laravel, and on a mission to create your web development workflow simple. It brags a very simple and quick learning bend, which ensures that you’ll be off the ground and up and running in no time at all. Like other CMS Hosting providers, Cloudways also provide the best hosting for October Cms. October CMS is adaptable and extensible through the plugin system, is effectively maintainable through its file-based framework, and permits for the easy creation of administrative back-end interfacing.

October CMS is a great platform to use because it is based on Laravel which is a framework used to build cutting-edge applications. After seven years of presence, it has received positive endorsement from designers and marks a particular differentiation over coding in WordPress. WordPress is generally procedural programming, whereas Laravel is object-oriented programming.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $12
  • Start building OctoberCMS with Staas: Get Started


OpenCart is an open-source eCommerce platform, which means you can download and update it free of cost. It is based on PHP and MVC architecture that works on a MySQL or PostgreSQL database and uses various HTML components. Also, you are not liable to pay any monthly fee for using OpenCart. It comes with a robust store management caliber, which states that you can benefit from its in-built SEO, manage customers, products, coupon codes, tax rules, orders, and more.

Moreover, OpenCart allows you to pick exceptional themes and modules to expand your online store’s functionality. Furthermore, the OpenCart users get dedicated commercial or free community support.

One of the most promising CMS for developing an online store, OpenCart, is based on PHP and MVC architecture. It targets offering a reliable and transparent tool for web developers to create high-performing eCommerce sites and online stores using customized modules and plugins.


Photoview is a simple and user-friendly photo gallery that’s made for photographers HELLO and aims to provide an easy and fast way to navigate directories, with thousands of high resolution photos.

You configure Photoview to look for photos and videos within a directory on your file system. The scanner will then automatically pick up your media and start to generate thumbnail images to make browsing really fast. It’s worth noting that Photoview will never actually touch you media, it only needs read access and it saves thumbnails to a cache independent of the original media.

When the media has been scanned it will show up on the website, organised in the same way as on the filesystem. From the website it is also possible to see your media on a world map, provided the image files have embedded location information.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building PhotoView with Staas: Get Started


Pocketbase is a open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file. Use as a standalone app OR as a framework, that you can extend via Go and JavaScript hooks to create your own custom portable backend, consisting of embedded database (SQLite) with realtime subscriptions, built-in auth management, convenient dashboard UI and simple REST-ish API.

Pocketbase is designed to simplify the backend development process, allowing developers to focus more on building the frontend and business logic of their applications. It is especially useful for prototyping, small to medium-sized projects, and situations where a lightweight and flexible backend solution is needed.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Pocketbase with Staas: Get Started


Rocket.Chat is an open-source fully customizable communications platform developed in JavaScript for organizations with high standards of data protection. We are the ultimate Free Open Source Solution for team communications, enabling real-time conversations between colleagues, with other companies or with your customers, regardless of how they connect with you. The result is an increase in productivity and customer satisfaction rates. Every day, tens of millions of users in over 150 countries and in organizations such as Deutsche Bahn, The US Navy, and Credit Suisse trust Rocket.Chat to keep their communications completely private and secure.

Rocket.Chat is suitable for organizations of all sizes, from small teams to large enterprises, looking for a secure, customizable, and feature-rich communication platform.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $12
  • Start building RocketChat with Staas: Get Started


SearXNG is an advanced fork of the open-source metasearch engine Searx. It is designed to aggregate results from various search engines while protecting user privacy. Here are its main features and benefits:

  • Privacy-Focused: SearXNG does not track users or store any personal data. It anonymizes search queries to prevent search engines from profiling users.
  • Metasearch Capabilities: It aggregates search results from multiple search engines and sources, providing a comprehensive view of search results. Users can query various categories, such as general web, images, news, files, IT, science, social media, and more.
  • Customizable: SearXNG is highly customizable. Users can adjust settings to filter search results, choose which search engines to query, and customize the user interface.
  • Open Source: Being open-source, SearXNG allows developers to inspect the code, contribute to its development, and deploy their own instances.
  • Self-Hosted: Users can host their own instance of SearXNG, ensuring complete control over the search environment and data. This is particularly useful for organizations and individuals concerned with privacy and data security.
  • Plugins and Extensions: SearXNG supports plugins and extensions, allowing additional functionalities and integrations with other services and tools.
  • API Access: It offers an API that developers can use to integrate search functionalities into other applications and services.
  • Community and Support: SearXNG has an active community that contributes to its development and provides support through forums, documentation, and other resources.
  • User-Friendly Interface: It provides a clean and intuitive user interface, making it easy for users to perform searches and access results quickly.
  • Decentralized Search: By combining results from various search engines and sources, SearXNG promotes a decentralized approach to web search, reducing reliance on any single search engine.

Overall, SearXNG is an excellent choice for users who prioritize privacy and want a customizable, open-source metasearch engine. It combines the power of multiple search engines while maintaining user anonymity and providing flexibility in search operations.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $34
  • Start building SearXNG with Staas: Get Started


Shaarli is an open-source, self-hosted bookmarking service designed to help users manage and share links. It is lightweight and easy to use, providing a simple yet effective way to organize and access web links. Here are some of its key features and benefits:

  • Self-Hosted: Shaarli is designed to be hosted on your own server, giving you full control over your bookmarks and data. This ensures privacy and security, as no third-party services are involved.
  • Bookmark Management: Users can save, organize, and categorize web links. It supports tagging, making it easy to sort and search for specific bookmarks.
  • Link Sharing: Shaarli allows users to share their bookmarks with others. You can make your bookmarks public or keep them private, depending on your preference.
  • Simple and Lightweight: Shaarli is known for its simplicity and lightweight nature. It doesn’t require a database, which makes it easy to set up and maintain.
  • Markdown Support: It supports Markdown for formatting notes and descriptions, allowing users to add detailed annotations to their bookmarks.
  • Search and Filter: Shaarli includes robust search and filter functionalities, making it easy to find specific links based on tags, keywords, or descriptions.
  • Customization: Being open-source, Shaarli can be customized to fit specific needs. Users can modify the source code, add new features, and change the user interface as required.
  • Import/Export: It supports importing and exporting bookmarks, making it easy to migrate from other bookmarking services or backup your data.
  • Plugins and Themes: Shaarli supports plugins and themes, allowing users to extend its functionality and customize its appearance.
  • Community and Support: There is an active community of users and developers who contribute to the project, provide support, and create plugins and themes.

Shaarli is a great solution for individuals or organizations looking for a private, self-hosted alternative to cloud-based bookmarking services. Its focus on simplicity, privacy, and flexibility makes it an appealing choice for managing and sharing web links effectively.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Shaarli with Staas: Get Started


Shiori is a simple bookmarks manager written in Go language. Intended as a simple clone of Pocket. You can use it as command line application or as web application. This application is distributed as a single binary, which means it can be installed and used easily.


  • Simple and clean command line interface.
  • Basic bookmarks management i.e. add, edit and delete.
  • Search bookmarks by their title, tags, url and page content.
  • Import and export bookmarks from and to Netscape Bookmark file.
  • Portable, thanks to its single binary format and sqlite3 database
  • Simple web interface for those who don’t want to use a command line app.
  • Where possible, by default shiori will download a static copy of the webpage in simple text and HTML format, which later can be used as an offline archive for that page.

For those interested in exploring Shiori further, or contributing to its development, the source code and additional information are available on GitHub: Shiori on GitHub. Shiori stands out as a robust solution for managing bookmarks with a focus on privacy, simplicity, and flexibility.

Squid HTTP Proxy

Squid Proxy is an open-source caching and forwarding web proxy server that operates as an intermediary between clients and servers on a network. It acts as a gateway, enabling clients to access various internet resources such as websites, files, and other content from servers.

Main Functions of Squid Proxy

  • Caching: Squid Proxy stores frequently accessed web content in its cache memory. When a client requests a particular resource, Squid checks if it already has a copy of the content in its cache. If it does, Squid serves the content directly from the cache, resulting in faster response times and reduced network bandwidth usage.
  • Forwarding: Squid Proxy can also forward client requests to web servers on behalf of the clients. It retrieves the requested content from the server and delivers it back to the client. This enables the proxy server to enhance security and provide additional services such as access control, content filtering, and traffic optimization.
  • Access Control: Squid Proxy offers extensive access control mechanisms, allowing administrators to define policies for restricting or allowing specific clients, IP addresses, or content types. This enables organizations to enforce internet usage policies, block malicious websites, prevent unauthorized access, and filter content based on predefined rules.
  • Authentication: Squid Proxy supports various authentication methods, including username/password, NTLM, LDAP, and more. This allows administrators to implement user-based access controls and track individual user activities. Authentication also enables the proxy server to provide personalized services and enforce different access levels based on user privileges.
  • Content Filtering: Squid Proxy can be configured to filter web content based on predefined rules or policies. This feature allows organizations to block or restrict access to certain websites, control the type of content that can be downloaded, and protect users from malicious or inappropriate content.
  • Traffic Optimization: Squid Proxy includes features such as request and response modification, protocol optimization, and compression. These capabilities help optimize network traffic, reduce latency, and improve overall network performance.
  • Squid Proxy is highly flexible and customizable, offering a wide range of configuration options and support for various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. It is widely used in enterprise networks, educational institutions, ISPs, and other environments where efficient caching, content control, and network optimization are desired.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Squid HTTP Proxy with Staas: Get Started


Tasks.md is a task management application that uses markdown files as cards. Tasks.md: A self-hosted, file based task management board that supports Markdown syntax.


  • Create cards, lanes and tags in a modern and responsive interface;
  • Write cards as Markdown files;
  • Easy to install with a single Docker image;
  • Light and dark themes synced with operating system settings;
  • Heavily customizable with 3 default color themes (Adwaita, Nord and Catppuccin);
  • Support for subpath based reverse-proxy with an environment variable for base path;
  • Can be installed as PWA.


  • Simplicity: Tasks.md offers a straightforward way to manage tasks without the need for complex software.
  • Flexibility: Its markdown format allows for easy customization and adaptation to various workflows.
  • Accessibility: Can be accessed and edited on any device with a text editor that supports markdown.
  • Collaboration: Enables easy sharing and version control, making it suitable for team projects.

Tasks.md is an effective and flexible tool for managing tasks, leveraging the simplicity of markdown to provide a robust task management solution.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Tasks.Md with Staas: Get Started

Trilium Notes

Trilium Notes is a hierarchical note-taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases.


  • Rich WYSIWYG note editing including e.g. tables, images and math with markdown autoformat
  • Support for editing notes with source code, including syntax highlighting
  • Notes can be arranged into arbitrarily deep tree
  • A single note can be placed into multiple places in the tree (see cloning)
  • Fast and easy navigation between notes, full text search and note hoisting
  • Seamless note versioning
  • Note attributes can be used for note organization, querying and advanced scripting
  • Synchronization with self-hosted sync server
  • Sharing (publishing) notes to public internet
  • Strong note encryption with per-note granularity
  • Relation maps and link maps for visualizing notes and their relations
  • Scales well in both usability and performance upwards of 100 000 notes
  • Evernote and Markdown import & export
  • Web Clipper for easy saving of web content
  • REST API for automation

Trilium Notes is a versatile and comprehensive note-taking application that caters to users who need a powerful and organized system for managing their notes and knowledge. Its combination of rich features, security, and customization options makes it a strong choice for both personal and professional use.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Trilium Notes with Staas: Get Started


Vaultwarden (formerly known as Bitwarden_RS) is an open-source password management server that is compatible with the Bitwarden ecosystem. It provides a lightweight and self-hosted alternative to the official Bitwarden server, allowing users to securely store and manage their passwords, notes, and other sensitive information.

Use Cases:

  • Personal Use: Individuals can use Vaultwarden to securely store and manage their passwords and sensitive information.
  • Family: Families can share a self-hosted Vaultwarden server to manage and share passwords among family members securely.
  • Businesses: Small to medium-sized businesses can deploy Vaultwarden to manage and control access to credentials and sensitive data within their organization.


  • Privacy and Control: Self-hosting ensures that you have full control over your data and who can access it.
  • Resource Efficiency: Its lightweight nature allows it to run on low-power hardware.
  • Cost Savings: Avoids the subscription fees associated with many commercial password management solutions.

Vaultwarden is an excellent choice for individuals and organizations seeking a secure, efficient, and cost-effective password management solution. Its compatibility with the Bitwarden ecosystem, combined with its lightweight and customizable nature, makes it a versatile tool for managing sensitive information securely.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Vaultwarden with Staas: Get Started


Vikunja is an open-source, self-hosted task management and collaboration tool designed to help individuals and teams organize their work and tasks efficiently. It provides features similar to those of popular project management tools like Trello, Asana, and Todoist, but with the flexibility and control that comes with hosting it yourself.

Key features of Vikunja include:

  • Task Management: Create, assign, and manage tasks with due dates, priorities, labels, and attachments.
  • Project Management: Organize tasks into projects and lists, allowing for structured project planning and execution.
  • Collaboration: Share tasks and projects with team members, enabling collaboration and teamwork.
  • Kanban Boards: Visualize tasks and workflows using Kanban boards, making it easy to track progress and manage work in a visual manner.
  • Calendar Integration: Integrate with calendars to keep track of deadlines and schedules.
  • Notifications and Reminders: Receive notifications and set reminders to stay on top of tasks and deadlines.
  • Customizable Workflows: Tailor workflows to fit specific needs and preferences.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Since it is self-hosted, users have complete control over their data, ensuring privacy and security.

Vikunja aims to provide a flexible and robust task management solution for users who prefer open-source software and the ability to host their own tools. It is designed to be easy to set up and use, with a clean and intuitive interface.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Vikunja with Staas: Get Started


Wiki.js is a powerful, open-source, and modern wiki engine designed for documentation and knowledge management. It is built on Node.js, making it highly performant and capable of handling a variety of use cases for personal or organizational documentation needs. Here are some of its key features:

  • Markdown Editing: Supports Markdown, making it easy to create and format content with a simple syntax.
  • WYSIWYG Editor: Offers a rich text editor for those who prefer a more visual approach to content creation.
  • Authentication: Supports multiple authentication methods, including LDAP, OAuth, and local authentication.
  • Access Control: Granular permissions and access control to manage who can view, edit, and administer the wiki.
  • Version Control: Tracks changes and allows for versioning, making it easy to review and revert to previous versions of pages.
  • Search Functionality: Advanced search capabilities to quickly find content within the wiki.
  • Multi-language Support: Supports multiple languages, allowing for localized content.
  • Customizable Themes and Layouts: Offers a variety of themes and the ability to customize the look and feel of the wiki.
  • Integration: Integrates with various services and tools, including Google Analytics, Microsoft Teams, and more.
  • Self-hosted: Provides full control over data and deployment, with support for running on various environments, including Docker.

Wiki.js aims to provide a comprehensive and flexible platform for documentation and knowledge management, with a modern interface and a rich set of features that cater to both technical and non-technical users. Its open-source nature allows for extensive customization and community-driven improvements.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Wiki.Js with Staas: Get Started


WordPress is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) that is used to create and manage websites, blogs, and online stores. Originally designed as a blogging platform, WordPress has evolved into a versatile tool that powers a significant portion of the web. Here are some key aspects of WordPress:

  • User-Friendly Interface: WordPress offers a user-friendly interface that allows individuals with little to no technical knowledge to create and manage their websites easily.
  • Customization: It provides a wide range of themes and plugins that allow users to customize the appearance and functionality of their websites according to their needs.
  • Blogging Platform: While WordPress has expanded beyond its origins as a blogging platform, it still remains a popular choice for bloggers due to its robust blogging features.
  • Content Management: WordPress makes it easy to publish, manage, and organize various types of content, including articles, images, videos, and more.
  • SEO-Friendly: WordPress is designed with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind, making it easier for websites built on the platform to rank well in search engine results.
  • Community and Support: WordPress has a large and active community of users, developers, and contributors who provide support, tutorials, and resources to help users get the most out of the platform.
  • Scalability: WordPress is highly scalable, making it suitable for websites of all sizes, from small personal blogs to large enterprise websites.
  • Open Source: Being open-source means that WordPress is free to use and can be modified and customized to suit specific needs. This also encourages a vibrant ecosystem of developers contributing to its improvement.

Overall, WordPress is a versatile and powerful platform that empowers individuals and businesses to create and manage their online presence effectively.


Cubarimoe, this website is an image proxy. It takes images from other websites and displays them in a better manga-oriented reader, Cubari. Cubari does not host any of the content you are viewing. Just like your computer does not store or own all the images you see on the internet, Cubari is doing the same thing. We are simply a service that lets you view other data on the internet using our custom UI. This reader was born while developing Guya.moe, the website to host Kaguya. After a while we added a lot of useful features, and now we branched it into a separate domain. We don’t host anything, this is just a web image viewer that can parse other websites.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Cubarimoe with Staas: Get Started


LANraragi is a open source server for archival of comics/manga, running on Mojolicious + Redis. Web application for archival and reading of manga/doujinshi. Lightweight and Docker-ready for NAS/servers.


  • Stores your comics in archive format. (zip/rar/targz/lzma/7z/xz/cbz/cbr/pdf supported, barebones support for epub)
  • Read archives directly from your web browser: the server reads from within compressed files using temporary folders.
  • Read your archives in dedicated reader software using the built-in OPDS Catalog (now with PSE support!)
  • Use the Client API to interact with LANraragi from other programs (Available for many platforms!)
  • Two different user interfaces : compact archive list with thumbnails-on-hover, or thumbnail view.
  • Choose from 5 preinstalled responsive library styles, or add your own with CSS.
  • Full Tag support with Namespaces: Add your own or import them from other sources using Plugins.
  • Store archives in either arbitary or dynamic Categories to sort your Library easily
  • Import metadata using Plugins automatically when archives are added to LANraragi.
  • Download archives from the Internet directly to the server, while using the aforementioned automatic metadata import Backup your database as JSON to carry your tags over to another LANraragi instance.

Overall, LANraragi is a versatile and feature-rich tool for manga and doujinshi enthusiasts who want to organize, read, and share their collections within a local network environment.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building LANraragi with Staas: Get Started


Trudesk is an open-source help desk/ticketing solution. Open Source Help Desk - Simply Organized. Quickly resolve issues & task with an easy-to-use solution. Built with one goal in mind, to keep work loads organized and simple. This is the source for Trudesk Community Edition. For the more comprehensive, cloud-hosted version, please see Trudesk Cloud at Trudesk.io.

  • Starting with attractive prices from only: $5
  • Start building Trudesk with Staas: Get Started


Our hosting and cloud services platform is designed to meet a wide variety of needs, from programming environments to comprehensive content management systems and specialized applications. We offer robust solutions to ensure your projects run smoothly and efficiently. For each service listed, you can find detailed installation instructions and pricing information in the respective guides.

Whether you’re building a scalable web application, managing a database, or setting up a personal knowledge base, our platform provides the tools and support you need to succeed. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.


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