Working with Staas

This section provides a basic and technical overview of the functioning of It explains various concepts involved in the process of writing, configuring, deploying, and operating applications on the platform.

Defining an Application on

At, you can deploy, run, and manage applications created in programming languages like Ruby, Node.js, Java, Python, Clojure, Scala, Go, and PHP. You can even deploy popular databases and popular applications (e.g. WordPress) with just a few mouse clicks!

An application here refers to a package of source code written in one of these languages, possibly including a framework. It also includes a description of the dependencies required for the application to function. These dependencies guide a build system on which additional components are needed to build and run the application.

In simpler terms, an application on consists of your written code and a list of what else is needed for it to work. The specific requirements vary based on the programming language used: Ruby employs a Gemfile, Python uses a requirements.txt, Node.js relies on package.json, Java utilizes pom.xml, and so on.

When you provide your application’s source code and its dependency information, can use this data to build and execute your application.

Defining your Executable

Running your application on typically requires minimal effort. One essential requirement is specifying which parts of your application are executable.

You need to explicitly state what can be executed. This is done through a text file called a Procfile, which accompanies your source code. In the Procfile, each line defines a process type which is a named command that can run within your built application. For instance: allows you to build, run, and scale applications consistently across various languages, utilizing both dependencies and the Procfile. The Procfile exposes the architectural aspects of your application and this enables independent scaling of each part of the application.

Deploying your Applications leverages Git as the primary method to deploy applications, although there are alternative methods like using an API to transport your source code to

When you create an stack on, it sets up a new Git remote, usually named staas, connected to your local Git repository.

Deploying your code is as straightforward as using the familiar git push command, but directed to the staas remote, assuming your current branch is master:

git push -f staas master master:deploy

Building your Applications

When gets your application source, it begins a building process specific to the programming language used. It involves fetching the specified dependencies and creating necessary assets, whether it’s processing style sheets or compiling code.

For instance, if the build system receives a Python application, it might fetch dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file and generate files based on the asset pipeline. In the case of a Java application, it could fetch binary libraries using Maven, compile the source code along with these libraries, and create a JAR file for execution. These processes ensure that your application is properly compiled and ready to run on

Running your Applications

With, you have the ultimate control over the number of instances running for your applications, providing you with the flexibility to adjust the scale according to your needs. This level of control is made possible through the Admin Control feature, accessible directly from your stack’s dashboard. Here, you can easily manage and configure the precise number of instances required at any given time, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilization.

Logging and monitoring


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